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Ronin Schtihl Daire

Available As an Ebook and in Paperback!

Samurai, Modern Day - Trisha A. Lindsey.

Available As an Ebook and in Paperback!

It's Finally started!

All New 'CONSORTIUM' Series Begins,

The Chameleon  

Book 1: Sleepy 


They were to be designed as the ultimate equalizer against any hotspot anywhere on Earth. Somnolent Chameleon, nicknamed 'Sleepy' is one of 13 children accidentally infected by Nanos, a cellular material harvested by scientists from a creature found in deepest Siberia. It has been cultured and tested on various animals with mixed, and terrifying results! An unofficial meeting of World Power Representatives in Madrid in the early seventies at the height of the Cold War, leads to a theft of a vial of the material, by a non-descript scientist, whose misguided attempt at living the life of a high roller in Monte Carlo, leads to his ambush and death.


The stolen vial is shattered by a bullet, infecting 13 children out for an afternoon of sightseeing. The theft leads to the creation of a worldwide Consortium that works outside of governments completing directives to the highest bidder! It is now 2015, and Sleepy is off the reservation. Looking to settle an old score, she has activated the 13 as a distraction, while she seeks her quarry in America. They race to complete their directive, assembling from around the globe, racing to Israel, Russia and Vatican City, finding they have become part of a plan put in place by Somnolent Chameleon that they must keep from the Consortium, while completing their directive.


The first in a 13 Book Series, 'The Chameleon' reminds us that even the most innocuous actions in our every day lives could lead to life changing consequences and collateral damage in our dangerous world.


Look around you...You won't see The Chameleon until it's too late...but she's right there, in plain sight. Never believe YOU caught HER. She will warn you, that you have 12 hours to set her free. What happens if you don't?


"I unleash hell." -- Somnolent Chameleon





Modern Day Samurai:  Bushido,

Book 2 in the Consortium Series


Modern Day Samurai - Book 2: Bushido


Modern Day Samurai continues The Consortium Series, as the action moves to Japan. It contains the ending to Somnolent Chameleon - Book 1: Sleepy, where her vengeance remains unsatisfied, as she continues to hunt for members of the U.S. Government sanctioned Wet Work team that killed a child of the Old Ones in the Amazon jungles. The Comfort Women story still remains unresolved today, as sexual atrocities common decades ago are filtered through history as one of the most demeaning and destructive uses of women's bodies during wartime. New information thought buried has emerged through time, and finally the culprit who sold Thomas' grandmother and several other young ladies intentionally into the Japanese Army Comfort system is exposed. When his primary descendent is uncovered, Thomas makes the decision to bring his family into play, beginning the next Bid series. 

Thomas actions to protect his family, his woman and execute vengeance with the other affected families will give the readers an unprecedented look into the society of Japan, which is steeped in tradition and ceremony. Wrongs done to others carry no expiration date, and when a refusal to do the honorable thing comes about
it's up to Thomas to execute the offender. 

This book will end with the next in the Consortium Series, Rise of the Caliphate - Book 3: Scimitar, which will find Fuad in Saudi Arabia as a time of change, turmoil and executions lead to new alliances, rulers and a land filled with blood instead of oil. Fuad has to marshall all of his resources if he and his will emerge from the political and social upheaval that comes with a change of Monarchy by force.

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